List of Cities and Towns in Florida

Florida’s cities, towns and villages are the centers of economic, social and cultural energy that enhance the quality of life enjoyed by Floridians. Municipalities are corporations. They were created because of the self-determination of their residents. Most often, the cities’ founders wanted increased, better quality services and local control of how they were being governed. Cities are citizen-driven representative democracies. The services a city provides are determined by the desires and needs of citizens through community engagement and input.

What makes Florida’s cities great are the people who call them home. Residents with different backgrounds, experiences and cultures coming together to create unique communities as diverse as the state itself.

There are approximately 500+ towns and cities in the state of Florida. Top 10 biggest cities by population are Miami, Hialeah, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, and Cape Coral while top ten largest cities by land area are Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, Port St. Lucie, North Port, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, Cape Coral, Tallahassee, and Palm Bay. Below please see all Florida cities and towns which are listed in alphabetical order.

List Of Florida Region

Florida Cities

Below is a list of cities in Florida. Click on the city to visit the official website. Each city website offers valuable information for residents, resources for visitors, online services, calendar events, important city-related updates and more. If you can't find what you need on your city page, try visiting your county website.

SELLING FAST: A Guide To Quickly Getting Rid of Unwanted Property

We Are A Real Estate Investing Company


Our company buys, sells, and rents homes. We will not be acting as your real estate agent or broker if we buy your house, sell you a house, or rent you a home. We are excited to potentially work with you directly OR if you are represented by an agent or broker. We are focused on improving neighborhoods and redeveloping areas that we work in.

The Simplest Way To Sell Your House Fast

Working with JC REInvestment Group "Your Florida Home Buyer®" means that you can sell your house FAST!

Those who work with us experience a stress-free home-selling process.

                         Our Cash Offer Program


All You Have To Do Is Tell Us About Your Home

Then, our experts will give it a fair evaluation and make you a no-obligation, cash offer–often within 24 hours.


You Won't Have To Worry About Open Houses...

…weekend showings, or repairs. We will buy your home as-is at a competitive price.      


Don't Worry About Closing Costs.

We will cover them ALL. And don’t worry about extra costs or hidden fees because there aren’t any!


Worried About Costly Repairs? Don't Stress!

We will take care of any repairs for you. If you leave behind unwanted items, we will even clean them up for you for no extra cost.

The Traditional Way


It Can Take Months To Sell...

…draining your checking account as the home collects dust on the market. Don’t wait 90 days to do what you can potentially do in one week!


Selling The Traditional Way Can Be Disruptive...

...not only taking time, but also requiring that you host a large number of showings.


You Have To Worry About Commissions and Fees...

…of which approximately 6% are paid for by the seller. These fees stack up and greatly reduce your potential profit. 


Home Inspections Will Be Your Responsibility

As a result, the buyer may demand that you pay for repairs and renovations that you didn’t expect.  

t’s important to us that the homeowners we work with have a great experience
t’s important to us that the homeowners we work with have a great experience
Get your Free, No-Obligation, Cash Offer.

Simply key in an address to see how much we can offer

JC REInvestment Group LLC is not affiliated with, owned, or operated by the State of Florida and/or Cities and is not endorsed by the State of Florida and/or Cities. The information listed on this page is dedicated to providing useful and timely information about Florida, including web links, facts, subjects and issues of interest to Florida residents and visitors.